Translation Error Analysis for Chinese/English Translation Pedagogy | Cuie Xu (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2024–ongoing |
Young people, criticality and figurative language | Alice Deignan (Education) | 2024–27 |
iDem | Serge Sharoff (Centre for Translation Studies) | 2024–26 |
Blackness, Identity and English for Academic Purposes | Olive Nabukeera | 2024–26 |
BICYCLE: Born in Covid Year — Core Lockdown Effects | Nikki Botting (City, University London) | 2024–26 |
Co-creating guidelines for the use Q-BEx for language screening | Cécile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2024–25 |
Futuring Interculturality | Elisabetta Adami | 2024–25 |
Co-designing a REading App To use in primary Education (CREATE) project | Paula Clarke (Education) | 2024–24 |
A citizen science approach to the assessment of pragmatic language in adolescents | Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2024–24 |
Developing Academic Interactional Competence in Saudi EFL classrooms | Clare Wright (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2024–24 |
Embedded academic literacies approach in the LCS PGT curriculum | Helen Sadig & Jiani Liu (Language Centre) | 2023–ongoing |
Modelling structures of connoisseurship in fine art auction catalogues (Germany 1900-45) | Mathew Henrickson (School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies / Computer Science) | 2023–ongoing |
Use of vocabulary strategies to improve learning in children with English as an additional language (EAL) | Annabel Pickard (Psychology) | 2023–28 |
Language and Life Narrativisation in WW2 memoirs: a stylistic perspective | Christiana Gregoriou (English) | 2023–26 |
Future-proofing Q-BEx | Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2023–26 |
Translanguaging and Transitional Physics | Eve Smith (Language Centre) | 2023–25 |
Flipped Teaching in Korean Language Education | Cuie Xu | 2023–25 |
"Virtually fluent conversations": examining post-pandemic year abroad and hybrid learning impact on language degree student experiences | Clare Wright (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2023–24 |
Linguistic diversity and accent bias in Higher Education and beyond | Gisela Tomé Lourido (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2023–24 |
Connecting and Comprehending Through Play | Peter Hart (Education) | 2023–24 |
Heritage protection, sustainable development and resilience through traditional ecopoetics in al-Mahrah, Yemen | Janet C.E. Watson (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2023–24 |
In Our Name: pragmatics, materiality and ideologies of power and nation in the correspondence of James V and Henry VIII, 1513-1542. | Mel Evans (English) | 2023 |
How variable is speech, how reliable are single recordings? Assessing the medium-term dynamics of speech through iterative data collection | Leendert Plug (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2022–ongoing |
Crouching Button, Hidden Typo: Reception of Chinese-English Videogames | Jemma Louise Stafford (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2022–25 |
"Stepping Up, Standing Out": Supporting international taught post graduates' development of academic literaciesn Leeds | Clare Wright (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2022–25 |
Computational Linguistics and Language Learning: Error identification in advanced learners of Mandarin Chinese | Alison May (English) | 2022–24 |
Investigating and responding to teachers’ beliefs of the integration of variation in Arabic school teaching | Rasha Soliman (LCS) | 2022–23 |
Tense and tendencies: A linguistic analysis of verbal data from people with low mood | Kate Sayers (English) | 2021–ongoing |
Reimagining the 'fifth' wall: The role of the translator in British and American staged productions of the works of Mikhail Bulgakov | Caroline Summers (Translation and Transcultural Studies) | 2021–ongoing |
The Use of Adjective Intensification by Najdi Dialect Speakers in Riyadh | Randah Alfuhaydi (School of English & LCS) | 2021–25 |
Spoken Language, Standards and Inequality in Schools | Julia Snell (English) | 2021–23 |
Unveiling the factors for the predictive validity of IELTS for postgraduate studies: assessment, teaching and learning in the TLU domain | Huahui Zhao (Education) | 2021–23 |
Language maintenance in contexts of immigration | Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2020–24 |
ETHER: Ethics and Aesthetics of Encountering the Other | Maggie Kubanyiova (CLER) | 2020–22 |
Subtitling 3.0: Translating the Verbal and Beyond | Sara Ramos Pinto (Centre for Translation Studies) | 2020–22 |
Assessing core language skills in the Born-in-Bradford cohort: Administering a Comprehensive Language Assessment Tool for Children of Various Linguistic Backgrounds | Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2020–22 |
The Impact of COVID-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE) | Hannah Nash (Psychology) | 2020–21 |
AI-based study for detecting COVID19 misinformation | Serge Sharoff ( Centre for Translation Studies) | 2020–21 |
The Phonetics and Phonology of Modern South Arabian (Mehri and Shehret) | Janet C.E. Watson (Linguistics & Phonetics; Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies) | 2019–ongoing |
Language Revitalisation and Resistance in the Kariri-Xocó Community of Brazil | Diane Nelson (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2019–ongoing |
The Phonetics and Phonology of Ḥarsūsi: An Instrumental Phonetics Study | Hammal Al Balushi (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2019–24 |
Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development (Comm4CHILD) | Ruth Swanick (Education) | 2019–22 |
Quantifying bilingual language experience: Optimising tools for educators, clinicians and researchers | Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2019–22 |
British Academy's GCRF Early Childhood Education Programme | Ruth Swanwick (Education) | 2019–21 |
L2 Mandarin acquisition and HSK test-taker characteristics | Clare Wright (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2019–20 |
L2 Mandarin acquisition during Study Abroad | Clare Wright (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2019–20 |
Yemen in Conflict: Popular literary heritage as expression of conflict and tool for conflict resolution | Deryn Rees-Jones | 2019–20 |
The role of regional variation in speech processing | Gisela Tomé Lourido (Linguistics & Phonetics) | 2018–22 |
Dynamic Assessment of Reading Test (DART) | Hannah Nash (Psychology) | 2018–21 |
Children's experience, understanding, and use of adjectives across the socioeconomic spectrum | Catherine Davies (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2018–21 |
Linguistic Challenges of the Transition from Primary to Secondary School | Alice Deignan (Education) | 2018–21 |
Co-DigiTech - Co-designing methods with older people to understand the role of digital technologies in social isolation | Elisabetta Adami (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2018–20 |
Updating AntConc for spoken and educational language data | Robbie Love (Education) | 2018–19 |
DARE Art Prize | Anna Ridler (Artist) | 2018–19 |
Building a civic curriculum: Helping local schools better support EAL children | Helen Sadig (Leeds, LITE) | 2018–19 |
EU-MADE4LL - European Multimodal Digital Education for Language Learning | Elisabetta Adami (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2016–20 |
Language and memory function in typically and atypically developing children | Ekaterini Klepousniotou (Psychology) | 2016–19 |
Born in Bradford New Wave | Ekaterini Klepousniotou (Psychology) | 2016–19 |
Leeds Voices | Elisabetta Adami (Languages, Cultures and Societies) | 2016–16 |
Ambiguity and its implications for models of word comprehension | Ekaterini Klepousniotou (Psychology) | 2015–18 |
White Rose Network for the Interdisciplinary Study of Second Language Learning (NISSLL) | Melinda Whong | 2014–15 |
New statistical methods to analyse psycholinguistic data | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2014–14 |
Exploring psycholinguistic eye tracking methodologies and data analytic techniques | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2014–14 |
Community intravenous antibiotic study | Medicines Management Group | 2013–15 |
Natural language processing working together with Arabic and Islamic studies | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2013–15 |
Reading for comprehension | Childhood and Inclusive Education Group | 2013–15 |
Visualising the UK General Election 2015 TV debates | Political Communication Group | 2013–15 |
Political voice/Voicing politics | Political Communication Group | 2013–14 |
Referential communication and executive function skills in bilingual children | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2012–15 |
Detecting terrorist activities: Making sense | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2012–13 |
Anonymization of cancer patient records | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2012–13 |
e-Health GATEway to the clouds | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2012–12 |
HyghTra: A hybrid high quality translation system | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2011–14 |
A multimethodological approach to rhotic sounds in English | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2011–13 |
Tools and applications for corpus-based models of meaning | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2011–12 |
Web-as-corpus resources for Islamic studies | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2011–12 |
Text analytics to predict cause of death in verbal autopsies | Artificial Intelligence Group | 2010–14 |
Analysis and evaluation of comparable corpora for under resourced areas of machine translation | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
Prosodic marking revisited: The phonetics of self-initiated self-repair in Dutch | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
Online resource for conference interpreter training | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
Sensitivity to quantity maxims in children with autism and language impairment | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
ReadingCorp | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
How do 3- and 5-year-olds respond to over- and under-informative utterances? | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
Lateral emphatics in south-west Saudi Arabia | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
Terminology extraction, translation tools and comparable corpora | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–12 |
IntelliText: Intelligent tools for creating and analysing electronic text corpora for humanities research | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–11 |
Evaluation in translation | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–11 |
Mario Vargas Llosa papers | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2010–11 |
Sentence processing in children with Williams syndrome using eye-tracking | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2009–10 |
WebDoc | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2009–10 |
National network for interpreting | Language, Linguistics and Translation Research Group | 2007–13 |
Whose Voices? | English Language Group | 2007–10 |
Virtually Here and There: Digital interaction practices on international students’ adaptation and attainment | Clare Wright (Linguistics and Phonetics) | –ongoing |