Children's experience, understanding, and use of adjectives across the socioeconomic spectrum
- Dates: 2018–21
- Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council
- Value: £300,000
- Primary investigator: Catherine Davies (Languages, Cultures and Societies)
- Co-investigators: Jamie Lingwood (University of Leeds); Sudha Arunachalam (New York University)
- Language at Leeds satellites: Language Development and Cognition
- Language at Leeds themes: Language and Cognition
This project investigates language development and socioeconomic disadvantage. It aims to reveal how children’s socioeconomic background might affect their descriptive language abilities. It uses eyetracking experiments, corpus analyses, and a randomised controlled trial to investigate children's psycholinguistic processing within its social context, leading to recommendations for families and practitioners working with children facing challenges with adjectives and other forms of descriptive language.