Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching (CELT)
Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching (CELT)
The Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching (CELT) https://celt.leeds.ac.uk/ exists to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning of all languages. CELT supports language educators in LCS to promote their scholarship of language teaching. CELT does this through organising workshops, discussions, and seminars as well as hosting (and presenting at) international, national and regional conferences. A key ambition of CELT is to help make language educators’ scholarship more visible to professional and educational communities to which we belong. Perhaps of greatest importance CELT exists to develop and nurture a collegial and collaborative network of language educators committed to scholarship.
The creation of the CELT journal ‘The Language Scholar’ is an essential means to communicate our scholarship in a variety of genres to colleagues, the university and the wider language teaching community. Around 100 colleagues in LCS have teaching roles and specialisms in language teaching, creating a vibrant, electric and diverse community of educators committed to student education and to developing and communicating their own experiences and expertise in language education. Our collective understanding of scholarship for language education is encapsulated in the Language Scholar manifesto
CELT publishes the online journal ‘The Language Scholar’. The aim of this journal is to enable colleagues and students within the school as well as contributors from other institutions to publish their work and thoughts in a wide variety of multimodal genres, from critical reviews to thought pieces and case studies. You can find the journal at http://languagescholar.leeds.ac.uk/
Student Success Forum: Linguistic Diversity and Inequalities in Higher Education
The Student Success Forums run every other month and provide an opportunity for staff and students to discuss, reflect...
German Network Meeting: Cultural and linguistic diversity in German Language Teaching
The event is open to anyone with an interest in German language education and/or cultural and linguistic diversity in language...
Symposium: Questioning Language Teaching Orthodoxy in Higher Education
This one-day symposium is an opportunity to discuss and critically reflect on existing beliefs and norms in language pedagogy in...
Language@Leeds Triennial Showcase: Call for Posters
All researchers and scholars working on language at the University of Leeds are invited to present a poster (or several...
BAAL Language Learning and Teaching SIG relaunched - call for members and committee elections!
This is a call for expressions of interest from members of BAAL to join BAAL Language Learning and Teaching Special...
Call for submissions to the Language Scholar on ‘Developing Contexts of Scholarship’
We're delighted to share with you a call for submissions to a special issue of The Language Scholar in 2024:...