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Interpreting Studies

Interpreting Studies

You are welcome to join us!

We welcome researchers in different disciplines from across the university and beyond, who are interested in interdisciplinary and collaborative research on interpreting, particularly those from:

  • School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
  • School of Education
  • School of Psychology
  • School of English
  • School of Computing

If you are interested in joining and being added to our email list, please send an email with a summary about your research interests and how you plan to collaborate.

Contact: Prof. Binhua Wang


Language@Leeds Triennial Showcase: Call for Posters

All researchers and scholars working on language at the University of Leeds are invited to present a poster (or several posters) about their research and scholarship projects. This year, the showcase will be open to internal and external audiences and is entitled: "Language research to address regional and global challenges". It will be an in-person...

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[Leeds TIS Seminar Series] The translation teaching platform based on multilingual corpora of The Governance of China: Design, resources and applications

Speaker: Prof. HU Kaibao, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University Abstract: Over the last two decades,...

[Leeds Interpreting Studies Seminar] Formulaicity in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Comparative Study of Lexical Bundles in UN Security Council Speeches

Speaker: Prof. Dechao Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Organiser: Prof. Binhua Wang Abstract: Generating data from a comparable corpus that...

[Leeds TIS Seminar Series] Framing the economy through financial news translation

Speaker: Dr Nancy Liu, Associate Professor in Translation Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) Moderator: Prof. Binhua Wang Abstract:...

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