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Introduction to R and RStudio


This workshop will provide a practical introduction to the R statistical programming language and to the RStudio integrated development environment, which provides a powerful interface for working with R. This workshop is designed to support the one-day Power and Data Simulation workshop being held the following week. This shorter (two-hour) introductory workshop will help those...

Clustering, Classification, and Regression Tree Modelling


This workshop will introduce you to two exploratory methods to unveil intrinsic structure of data: clustering (an unsupervised approach where no class labels denoting an a priori partition of the objects are given) classification and regression (supervised approaches using known classes) Their application to linguistic research will be demonstrated by building appropriate feature vectors and...

PsychoPy workshop


In this workshop, you will learn now to use the intuitive Builder interface PsychoPy. This interface aims to be easy enough for use in undergraduate teaching, yet flexible enough for high-precision experimental psychology. Getting started with basic experiments is really easy, but this workshop will show you how to extend those simple experiments into more...

Python: introductory workshop


This workshop will introduce you to Python, a high-level programming language for general-purpose programming that focuses on code readability and efficiency. It will prepare you for the PsychoPy workshop (7th of June) by familiarising you with key Python objects (variables, lists and dicts, if-statements, and for-loops). The workshop will be delivered by Martin Callaghan. Attendance...

Quantile regression: when to use it and how


Linear regression models are statistical tools used to uncover the relation between a response variable and set of predictor variables. Standard least-squares linear regression estimates how the mean response varies with the predictors. However, there are cases where the behaviour of the mean response is not the main object of interest. For example, suppose that we are interested in quantifying the relation...

Introduction to GitHub


Version control can be thought of as the research notebook of the digital world: it’s what professional software developers and authors use to keep track of what they’ve done and to collaborate with other people. Every large software project relies on it, and many people who write code use it for their small jobs as...

Data preparation and manipulation in R


In this workshop you will learn how to import data in R, how to prepare it for analysis, and how to explore it visually. Among other things, the content covered will include: cleaning data, dealing with vectors, factors, variables and data types handling data with multiple dimensions merging fields (columns) and adding derived fields subsetting,...

PRAAT software training


Dear all, for the next meeting of the Arabic PGR group, Dr. Gisela Tomé Lourido will host a PRAAT training in the Phonetic Laboratory (basement of the Michael Sadler Building). PRAAT is a very useful computer software for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics. The training will cover an introduction to the software and some basic operations,...

Workshop on ELAN, software tool for video data annotation and analysis


Open to PhD and Postdoc researchers ELAN is software for annotating video and audio resources. It allows for complex, and unlimited, annotations of different modalities and is particularly useful for annotating data with multiple participants. In this workshop you will learn how annotations can be time-aligned with the data or with other annotations, allowing for...