The programme is: Janet Watson, Barry Heselwood, Abdullah al-Mahri & Andrea Boom (Leeds): Context is (almost) everything: Emphatics in Mehri Suad al-Manji (SQU and Omani Ministry of Education): Climatic events in Oman: the role of narratives in resilience (Talk in Arabic) Saeed al-Mahri (Salalah and CELCE): Southern Arabia: Culture and extremism Dola al-Gady (Sohar University): مشروع توثيق اللغة الكمزارية...
The online workshops have started up again after a summer break, and will be held twice monthly. On 14th September, we held a workshop on Soqotra, with presentations by Julian Jansen van Rendsburg, Miranda Morris and Alan Forrest. On 29th September a workshop will be held at 13.00 BST on Time. The programme is given...
The ALiF Organising Committee is happy to announce that registration to the Arabic Linguistics Forum (ALiF) 2020 is now officially open. This year, due to the restrictions caused by Covid-19, ALiF will be held virtually by University of Leeds on June 30th - July 2nd. The finalised programme will be available shortly. Confirmed keynote speakers are:...
5th May 1pm BST Farida al-Manji (CoAS, Rustaq) & Suad al-Manji (Ministry of Education, Muscat): (أدوات الاستفهام، و أسماء الإشارة في لهجات شمال عمان ( لهجة إبراء Hammal al-Balushi (ULeeds): The status of the pharyngeal *ʕ and the glottal stop in Harsusi Denzil Phillips(advisor to Ministry of Environment, Oman): Frankincense in Dhofar Ibrahim al-Mahri (Salalah): ...
Online workshop on Language and/or Nature in Southern Arabia The workshop will run from 1pm BST to enable participants in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar and the UAE to finish in time to break the fast during Ramadan. The workshops focus on, but are not exclusive to, early career researchers and speakers of the languages...
Hidden voices of Arabia: Language documentation in the Arabian Peninsula is a one-day event that aims at bringing together local, national and international postgraduate, early career researchers and scholars working on the linguistic documentation of various dialects and languages in the Arabian Peninsula. In recent years, academic interest in Peninsular vernaculars has increased significantly. Due to political and...
9.20 Introduction to workshop: Janet Watson, Jon Lovett & Diane Nelson 9.30–11.00 Diane Nelson, University of Leeds: Meadow Mari Jon Lovett, University of Leeds & Deryn Rees-Jones, University of Liverpool: Story telling and complex adaptive systems Janet C.E. Watson, University of Leeds & Leonid Kogan, National Research University, Moscow: What’s the time? Natural measurement of...
You are warmly invited to the fourth meeting of Language and Nature Sadler Seminar series. This session will be about "Language, nature, quantification & value", with presentations by: Eva Shultze-Berndt (University of Manchester) presents the talk “Let’s sit face to face and pluck them iteratively all over together, to completion, in sets of one”: The preference of event quantification...
We are delighted to announce the forthcoming seminar session within the Language and Nature Sadler Seminar Series. This examines Language and Nature in terms of form and sensory experience, with presentations by: 1. Dr Maria das Dores de Oliveira – Pankararu, Fundação Nacional do Índio 2. Simon Armitage – Professor of Poetry, University of Leeds 3. ...
You are warmly invited to the first event of "Language and Nature" seminar series in the second semester, themed Temporality, space, colour and quantification. In this session Rosaleen Howard from Newcastle University and Eva Shultze-Berndt from University of Manchester will talk about "Language, nature, time & temporality: expression of time and points of time; changing...