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Policy, Pedagogy and the Policing of “nonstandard” English


To what extent does children’s spoken dialect influence their writing? Does correcting pupils’ speech improve their writing? What consequences might overt correction have for pupil participation and learning? Research by Julia Snell (School of English) and her colleague Ian Cushing (Edgehill University) set out to addresses these questions through investigation of primary school children’s writing,...

Ofsted as institutional language police


On 31st March 2022, TES reported on research by Julia Snell (School of English) and her colleague Ian Cushing (Edgehill University) which exposes the role of the school’s inspectorate, Ofsted, as institutional language police. Julia and Ian systematically searched inspection reports of primary and secondary schools and found a huge number of reports where the inspectorate criticise teachers...

More language research showcased at Be Curious


The Be Curious LATES winter series showcased research by L@L colleagues: Cat Davies presented results from two projects on the impact of disruption to Early Years Education and Care during lockdowns and its effects on the development of young children from diverse backgrounds. You can watch the video on YouTube.

Language research showcased at Be Curious


On the 15th of July, Be Curious LATES featured Draško Kašćelan (LCS) and Fiona Douglas (School of English), on the theme of inclusion and identity – an evening of exploration into impactful research, which focuses on sexuality, social inclusion, diversity and identity.  Draško discussed the challenge of documenting children's bilingual experience through questionnaires (as part of...

Spoken Language, Standards and Inequality in Schools


Dates: 2021-2023 Funding body: Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (£51,390) Primary investigator: Dr. Julia Snell (School of English) L@L satellite: Language and Society The attainment gap is widening between disadvantaged pupils and their more privileged peers in English primary schools. There is increasing evidence that effective use of talk-intensive (or ‘dialogic’) pedagogies can close this gap....

Albert Valdman award for outstanding publication in 2020 awarded to Cecile De Cat


This double-length article reports on a multifaceted investigation of the environmental and cognitive predictors of proficiency in English as the school language, in a diverse group of 5- to 7-year-old heritage speakers of a variety of other languages. It adopts a data-driven approach to compare the informativity of alternative predictors (e.g., current vs. cumulative language...

Extinction Studies DTP


Thea Pitman, Diane Nelson and Janet Watson are on the supervisory team for the new Leverhulme-funded Extinction Studies Doctoral Training Programme (PL Graham Huggan). The DTP will host PGR projects that deal with extinction – biological, cultural and linguistic – from a range of perspectives that cut across Social Science, Natural Science and the Humanities. This exciting new interdisciplinary...

New article on sociolinguistic awareness in Galician bilinguals by Dr Gisela Tomé Lourido and Dr Bronwen Evans


The article reports a study which investigates whether a distinctive variety spoken by Galician new speakers (neofalantes) has emerged in the speech community and whether listeners’ language background influences accent identification abilities and patterns. The article is entitled “Sociolinguistic Awareness in Galician Bilinguals: Evidence from an Accent Identification Task” and has been published in Languages,...

Arabic PGR Satellite on VideoLeeds


We are pleased to announce that the Arabic Language@Leeds PGR Satellite has launched a new series of videos on VideoLeeds, the official University of Leeds video channel. Every month we will upload the recordings of our Research Talks, which hosts scholars from the Middle East, Europe and North America. The first Research Talk, hold in...