Call for papers
Language@Leeds Working Papers is an online only, open access peer-reviewed journal edited by postgraduate researchers. The objective of this journal is to foster free exchange of ideas and provide an appropriate platform for presenting, discussing and disseminating new concepts, current trends, theoretical developments and research findings in language-related research.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline 18th November 2018
Language@Leeds Working Papers welcomes submissions from staff and PGRs at the University of Leeds paper on all areas of linguistics and applied language studies, including translation, language teaching, second language acquisition, computational linguistics, discourse analysis, language documentation, lexicography, morphology, phonetics, cognitive science, linguistic theories and neurolinguistics.
Format: papers should be anonymous and 3000-8000 words in length, including appendices and references. Each paper must also include an abstract of 150-200 words.
Submissions should be sent by email to