Workshop: Language@Leeds Sharing Impact Practice
- Date
- Thursday 29 February 2024, 13:00-16:00
- Location
- Baines Wing, 4.12
- Registration
- Please fill in this form
We take 'impact' to refer to any change that academic activity generates in the world beyond academia.
- to showcase and share good practice of the impact of language research and scholarship
- to provide an overview of the support that is available for impact work at the University of Leeds
- to provide an opportunity to ask questions about specific challenges that you're facing with your impact work and get tailored feedback from presenters
13:00-14:30 Sharing practice presentations on the impact of language research and scholarship, followed by a Q&A, including:
- Cat Davies (Professor of Language Development): Supporting Speech & Language Therapists in evidence-based practice.
- Nathalie Czeke (PGR, School of Education): Access to and opportunities for communication for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
- Julia Snell (Professor of Sociolinguistics): Spoken language and inequality in schools.
- Natasha Rust (Senior Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes): Language clarity in assessment.
- Sascha Stollhans (Associate Professor of Language Pedagogies): Linguistics in Modern Foreign Languages.
- Serge Sharoff (Professor of Language Technology) & Mel Evans (Lecturer in English Language): The language of COVID.
14:30-15:00 Supporting impact panel providing an overview of the support for impact work that is available at the University:
- Ged Hall (Academic Development Consultant, OD&PL): Research impact.
- Eva Sansavior (Academic Development Consultant, OD&PL): Scholarship impact.
- Alexa Ruppertsberg (Head of Public Engagement with Research): Public Engagement.
- Juliet Jopson (Policy Officer): Policy Leeds.
- Cheryl Harris (Leeds Social Sciences Institute Manager): ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.
- Abi Rowson (Joint Acting Head of Interdisciplinary Research, Horizons Institute). Interdisciplinary collaborations.
15:00-16:00 Structured networking session with presenters and panellists: Opportunity for participants to ask specific questions about their own impact work.
This event is open to University of Leeds staff and PGRs. To book a free place, please register here.