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"Dealing with word frequency lists: (un)reliable frequency counts", a talk by Dr. Sharoff and Prof. Ingleby

Arabic Language
research talks
Monday 16 April 2018, 2-3pm
Seminar Room 1 - LHRI (29-31, Clarendon Place)

Dear all,

for the next meeting of the Arabic PGR group, we are glad to host a talk by Dr. Serge Sharoff and Professor Michael Ingleby from University of Leeds about "Dealing with word frequency lists: (un)reliable frequency counts". Here is the abstract of their talk:

"Word frequency lists coming from different corpora differ considerably in spite of relatively small changes in their composition, because some words become too frequent in a relatively small number of texts. I can show how this works in English and I am happy to produce Arabic lists to let you see how this works in Arabic."

All welcome!

the Arabic PGR committee