PGR presentations
The aim of our presentations series is to provide a space where postgraduates from all faculties and departments across the University can discuss their work in a friendly and supportive environment. It is also a great opportunity to network with fellow researchers who work on similar or related topics.
Presentations of research at any stage are welcomed, including:
- Provisional research ideas and questions;
- Works-in-progress;
- Finished chapters/articles;
- Practice presentations for conferences;
- Papers ready to be submitted for publication
We encourage contributions from as many diverse fields as possible, including, but not limited to:
- Corpus linguistics
- Computational linguistics
- Translation
- First and second language acquisition
- Language pedagogy
- Forensic linguistics
- Language and theology
- Pragmatics
- Syntax and grammatical theory
- Language and social media
- (Critical) Discourse Analysis
Presentations should be 20 minutes long and will typically be followed by a 10 or 20-minute discussion, with questions and feedback. If you would like to present, please send an email to Giulio Bajona ( with the following information:
- Your name;
- Your Faculty/School/Department;
- A short bio, including your research interests and professional background;
- Title of your presentation;
- Abstract or outline of your presentation (up to 200 words);
- When you would be available to present.