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The acquisition-learning of English morpho-syntactic properties by L1 speakers of Saudi Arabic: evidence from the present perfect forms

Arabic Language
Monday 1 April 2019, 12-13
Baines Wing G.16
In the next meeting of the Arabic PGR group, Tomader Alfraikh, PhD student in Linguistics and Phonetics, will present about:
"The acquisition-learning of English morpho-syntactic properties by L1 speakers of Saudi Arabic: evidence from the present perfect forms":

In recent years, there has been a spate of interest in how to engage Chomskyan Generative Second Language Acquisition (GenSLA hereafter) research with language teaching. Many researches were conducted to connect linguistic theory of GenSLA with the field of language pedagogy. There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that the more classroom instruction is supported by an understanding of theoretical views, the more effective teaching will be (Whong, Gil, & Marsden, 2013). In my talk, for this session I will only focus on the mythology I used for my pilot-study.

All welcome!